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support us and Get involveD!

DRUM-OFF GLOBAL endeavors to do great things to keep the passion alive in the worldwide drumming industry. 

Anyone, Everywhere can get involved!

If you are a professional working drummer or a famous drummer:

- Write in to volunteer as a judge for your country drum-off 


- Share the website on your social media

- Encourage more drummers to join the competition

If you are a drummer and you love drumming: 
- Join the competition & represent your country loud and proud
- Share the website to your friends and on your social media

If you run a music or drumming organization of some sort:
- Ask to become a Country Organizer (email
- Encourage the drummers to
join the competition
- Share the website to your customers and members and also on your social media

If you want to donate to our meaningful & unique work for drummers worldwide:
- Donate Links below
- read










If you are not a drummer but know of some drummers in your country or amongst your family and friends: 
- Encourage them to join the competition
- Share the website to your friends and on your social media
- Cheer for your country's drummers

We sincerely thank you in advance for partnering us in the mission and vision. Any kind of monetary giving, registration fee, funding and all kinds of other support we receive goes a long way towards the worldwide coordination of this niche but super-important musician event, linking up of drummers across the planet and facilitating all country Drum-Off organizations. 



Sincere thanks from
Drum-Off Global 2021




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